

relay-race-competition-stadium-sport.jpgThe Equilibrium Diet minimizes inflammation in the body. For athletes this means: faster recovery times, increased flexibility, clearer thinking, and faster reflexes. pexels-photo-348487.jpegEfficient meal-timing means less time devoted to snacking, eating, and digestion. You will be totally satisfied and stuffed with nutrients at three satiating meals. Top-notch athletes need to run their bodies like high-performance, finely tuned sports cars; so many top athletes have credited their Paleo, gluten-free/dairy-free/sugar-free life-styles with a large portion of their success. The Equilibrium Diet offers even more heightened levels of body awareness, control, power and ultimately, success.


Tips for athletes:

  1. Athletes are one of the few groups of people who may actually need three, even four, meals a day depending on their caloric-expenditure.
  2. Each protein-dominant breakfasts and lunches as early as possible.
  3. Supplement with protein-shakes in the morning and raw fresh juices at night.
  4. If you have a fourth meal, it should consist entirely of fruit and be 60-90 minutes before dinner or before 9pm.
  5. Drink as much raw milk and bone broth as you can ANYTIME (add blackstrap molasses to the milk and sea salt to the bone broth for extra minerals). These two drinks are pure nutrients, protein and fat that is virtually free to the body in terms of digestive cost.
  6. Sugar-cravings typically stem from not enough protein, follow #4 and after you are done with breakfast and lunch, immediately eat a healthy protein bar so you are totally satiated.
  7. Alter workouts to fit into the Equilibrium diet process–the body’s natural rhythm is set, there is no changing it, so work with it by eating proteins before 2pm and not after.
  8. Drink your own electrolyte mix. I make one with 2-cups of alkaline water, 1 tsp of sea salt, and 1 serving of ionic magnesium-mix. You can also do fresh watermelon juice mixed with sea salt.


The Equilibrium Diet can usually eliminate all unwanted symptoms of pregnancy: morning sickness (liver congestion), fatigue, heartburn/acid reflux, edema, food cravings (typically stem from a protein-deficiency), stretch-marks (collagen deficiency), gallbladder malfunction (due to estrogen levels), and restless sleep.pexels-photo-57529.jpeg

Tips for pregnancy:

  1. Pregnant women are one of the few groups of people who may actually need three, even four, meals a day depending on their stomach size and satiation point.
  2. Each protein-dominant breakfasts and lunches as early as possible.
  3. If you have a fourth meal, it should consist entirely of fruit and be 60-90 minutes before dinner or before 9pm.
  4. Supplement with protein-shakes in the morning and raw fresh juices at night.
  5. Drink as much raw milk and bone broth as you can ANYTIME (add blackstrap molasses to the milk and sea salt to the bone broth for extra minerals). These two drinks are pure nutrients, protein and fat that is virtually free to the body in terms of digestive cost.
  6. Sugar-cravings typically stem from not enough protein, follow #4 and after you are done with breakfast and lunch, immediately eat a healthy protein bar so you are totally satiated.
  7. To minimize edema and visits to the bathroom in the middle of the night, drink 1-2 tsp of Himalayan salt dissolved in water before going to bed.


When the health of the body deteriorates, reproductive vigor is often the first to take the hit. Let’s face it, if our bodies are in a survival situation, as most people are on the Standard American Diet, the last thing the body is thinking about is reproduction. Libido drops, the energy flowing to the reproductive organs declines and prostatitis, ovarian cysts, and even infertility set in. The answer is not to force the body to get pregnant with synthetic or even natural hormones. This would deplete the body even further. We need to rebuild the strength of the body from the foundation up. Once the body is given nutrient-dense food and can digest nutrient dense food, the body begins to rebuild itself. The immune system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, are all “rebooted” and once everything is stable, then the body will turn back on reproduction.

mickie“Katie Player has been my fertility and wellness coach since March 2015.  In that time I have done 12 liver cleanses, 5 kidney cleanses, 2 colon cleanses, 2 parasite cleanses, and regular lymph system cleansing.  Katie has always been there for me to answer all my questions when I got nervous or wasn’t quite sure what was going on with my body during the detox process. Now I’m planning for a baby this May.  I’ve had blood work done with my fertility Obgyn to test my liver, gallbladder, kidneys, thyroid, vitamin and mineral levels, auto immune disease, cholesterol, and hormones. I’ve also had several ultrasounds.  My test results came back with flying colors and picture perfect health.  I was incredibly overjoyed to discover that my progesterone hormone level is naturally an 18. Even if I was on fertility drugs it would be a 12-15.   In addition to that, as a 39 year old woman, my AMH hormone was predicted by the doctor to measure a 1 and mine was a 5.5. This means I have plenty of eggs left at almost 40 years old.  I just can’t thank Katie enough for guiding me through this journey to wellness and fertility at any age.”—Mickie Grist, Greenville SC


pexels-photo-333529.jpegIt doesn’t matter how old you are, the Equilibrium Diet is the most efficient way of feeding a body. Children benefit from nutrient-dense foods that are relatively easy to digest. They experience enhanced immune systems, fewer skin rashes, less emotional turbulence, deeper sleep, fewer to no ear-infections or sinus infections and fewer health complaints in general.

In regards to detoxing children and making the switch to the Equiibrium Diet, different age groups of children present different challenges.


pexels-photo-638196.jpegThe Equilibrium Diet processes are based largely on populations with amazing, even unbelievable, elderly populations: Buddhist monks and primitive tribesmen. Elderly populations living well past 100-years-young and still working daily and looking amazing with gleaming skin and few wrinkles.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, the Equilibrium Diet is the most efficient way of feeding a body. Elderly persons have had the most time to set and solidify their dietary patterns and so are typically out of balance. Because of this, they often have the most to gain by implementing the Equilibrium Diet. For elderly participants, it is highly recommended to do the 3-week liver support protocol before undertaking any cleansing programs because their livers will have decades more toxins than a person in her 30s, 40s, or 50s.

Candida Overgrowth patients

The Equilibrium Diet is an anti-candida diet because it addresses the core underlying issues that give rise to the toxic environment that candida thrives in. Candida is not bad, in fact, it’s a “clean-up helper” for the body. Basically, it eats whatever our livers can’t process or don’t have time to handle. The issue is, candida produces waste/by-products of its own and those wreck havoc on every part of our body, from our immune system and gut to our endocrine system and hormones. When we eliminate the candida’s food-source and reason for existing, we are able to come back into balance. For instance, candida flocks to heavy metals and envir”onmental toxins that are difficult for the body to chelate and remove. When we get the metals out of the body, the candida levels drop.

For candida sufferers, I recommend starting the liver protocol ASAP and once the bowels are moving, set-up a schedule to periodically detox the liver and chelate heavy metals. I also highly recommend avoiding all sweeteners except blackstrap molasses and stevia for the first 90 days if you want to see faster results. You can avoid all fruit except granny smith apples for the first 30 days if you are really in a hurry. Candida sufferers typically have low stomach-acid–eating proteins in the morning will help this quickly–but I recommend supplementing with a HCl/bentaine supplement like Zypan (Standard Process) for the first 30-60 days. Candida also produces chemicals that impact the thyroid. Once you have gone through all of the organ cleanses and probably feeling pretty good, thyroid support should be on your mind, because this gland is put through the ringer with candida. So even if you are feeling good, even great, thyroid support can elevate you to the next level. For more information on our exact candida-protocol, see the blog article: “How I beat Candida Naturally in 6 months”.

Gallbladder-removal patients

Participants without gallbladders can perform all of the organ cleanses and implement the entire diet. The 3-week liver support protocol is highly recommended for this group of people. Each individual should pay attention to how her body responds to various fats. Most people without gallbladders do okay with raw goat milk and goat milk products and coconut oil and butter (especially raw butter), but struggle with the animal-meat fats and the olive oils. Find what works for you and really load up as much as you can on the fats you can handle because those fats carry and help you absorb the much needed fat-soluble vitamins: D, E, K, A that have been deficient in the Western diet for decades.