
100 people, 100 days on the Equilibrium Diet and we track the results!

Weekly calls for 100 days beginning July 15, 2018.

Forms for Participation in study

Initial Questionnaire: Before beginning the Equilibrium Diet fill out and submit the following form (submit to Print the form for future use and fill out again on day 30, day 60, and day 100.

Equilibrium Diet Research Questionnaire

Research Journal/Deviation Form: Participants can download this form and make updates on a weekly basis. This tracks number of minutes in exercise and meditation as well as deviations from the program.

Research Journal1equilibriumdiet

Researcher Bios:

Katie Grace, PhD         Currently a visiting professor of Finance at Wofford College, Katie is trained in statistical analysis and econometrics. In addition to her book, “Atheist to Enlightened in 90 Days: Featuring the Equilibrium Diet”, she has several academic journal and consulting publications:

“The Impact of Income Taxation on the Employment decisions of small business owners” Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy.

“Santee Cooper’s Uncertain Future”. Palmetto Promise Institute

“Santee Cooper vs. SCE&G – which ratepayers will pay more?”, Palmetto Promise Institute